Quarter Peal Compositions at Higher Stages

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1,300 Plain Bob Sextuples

Heather L E Peachey
23456   W  B  M
36254      x
23465   -     -
2 part. x=10A.
Rung at Kingston-upon-Hull on 1 March 2009.

1,326 Erin Sextuples

John Hyden
1234567890ETA  1  7  8
4321567890TEA     a   
1432              -  s ╮
2143              -  s │
3214              -  s │
4123              -  - │A
3412              -  s │
2341              -  s │
1234              -  s ╯
4321567890ETA  s  -  -
1234              A   
a = 1.2.s15.20.21 (26)

1,314 Erin Sextuples

John Hyden
1234567890ETA  1  7  8
4321567890AET     a   
1432              s  - ╮
2143              s  - │A
3214              s  - ╯
4321567890EAT  s  s  -
3214              A   
4123567890TEA  -  -  -
1234              A   
4123567890ETA  s  s  -
1234              A   
a = s1. (24)

1,326 Erin Sextuples

John Hyden
2143658709TEA  7  8  9
251364            a   
341265            -  - ╮
354162         s     - │A
124365            -  - ╯
152463         s     -
213465            A   
251463         s     s
123465            A   
152364         s     -
214365            A   
a = s7.8.9.s21 (26)
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains all 56s and 3 near misses.

2,017 Stedman Sextuples

Robin E H Woolley
1234567890ETA  7 22
2135648790AET    a
214365            -
4132           -  2 ╮
3124           -  2 │A
2134           -  s ╯
2134658709TEA    b
2143             A 
a = 1.s6. (24)
b = 2.s11.s13
Start from rounds as the last row of a quick six

2,017 Stedman Sextuples

Robin E H Woolley
1234567890ETA  7 22
2135648790AET    a
214365            -
2134           s  2 |A
2134658790TEA    b
2143             A 
2143658709AET    c
2134             A 
2134658709TEA    b
2143             A 
a = 1.s6. (24)
b = 2.s13
c = 2.s11.s13
Start from rounds as the last row of a quick six

1,344 Kent Treble Bob Fourteen

Donald F Morrison (no. 2362)
x 426357890ETAB
x 645237890ETAB
x 563427890ETAB
x 352647890ETAB
- 235647890ETAB
x 524367890ETAB
- 452367890ETAB
- 245367890ETAB
three part
- = 14
x = 16

especially suitable for handbells, the back four pairs only ringing the first lead of the course

1,352 Little Bob Fourteen

Roger Bailey
23456   W   M   H
34256           3
23645   -   -
56342   4   -   -
45362   -   4
23456   -   -   -
3 = s - s
4 = s - s -

1,364 Spliced Bob Fourteen (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2363)
23456   W  M  H 
43256         3*
63245   s  s
43265   s     3
53246   s  s
23456   s     3*
3* = s - -
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob
especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout and both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead

1,440 Erin Septuples

John Hyden
1234567890ETABC  1  8  9
4321567890ETCAB  -  -  -
1432                s  - ╮
2143                s  - │A
3214                s  - ╯
4321567890ETACB  s  s  -
3214                A   

1,440 Erin Septuples

John Hyden
2143658709TEBAC  3  8  9
21436587B9TE0AC  s
3412658709TEBAC  s  -  -
34126587B9TE0AC  s
2341658709TEBAC  s  s  -
23416587B9TE0AC  s
1234658709TEBAC  s  s  -
12346587B9TE0AC  s
4123658709TEBAC  s  s  -
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

1,260 Erin Septuples

John Hyden (arr)
1234567890ETABC  9 10 11 12 13 14
34567890ETABC12  -  -  -  -  -  -

Contains Back rounds.

1,440 Stedman Septuples

John Hyden
(2143658709TEBAC) 8  9 24 25
 4321             -     -  -
 3421                s      
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

1,440 Stedman Septuples

John Hyden
2314567890ETABC  1 22 24
3421567890ETCAB  -  s  -
4132                s  -
1243567890ETACB  s  s  -
2314                s  -

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Sixteen

Donald F Morrison (no. 2364)
23456   M  W  H
42635         x
23456   2  2   
x = 16

1,344 Kent Treble Bob Sixteen

Donald F Morrison (no. 2365)
- 423567890ETABCD
x 346257890ETABCD
- 634257890ETABCD
- 463257890ETABCD
x 345627890ETABCD
x 532467890ETABCD
- 253467890ETABCD
three part
- = 14
x = 16

especially suitable for handbells, the back five pairs only ringing the first lead of the course

1,312 Plain Bob Sixteen

Michael F Schulte
  EACD9B7T5038264 6
  EADBCT907856342 1
  EABTD0C89674523 1
  EAT0B8D6C492735 1
  EA08T6B4D2C3957 1
s AE8604T2B3D5C79 1
  AE648203T5B7D9C 1
  AE42638507T9BCD 1
  2357E9AC4D6B8T0 3
  23795CEDAB4T608 1
  239C7D5BETA0486 1
  23CD9B7T50E8A64 1
  23DBCT907856E4A 1
  23BTD0C896745AE 1
  23T0B8D6C49A7E5 1
  2308T6B4DACE957 1
  238604TABED5C79 1
s 32648A0ET5B7D9C 1
  324A6E8507T9BCD 1
  AE57492C3D6B8T0 3
  AE795C4D2B3T608 1
s EA9C7D5B4T20386 1
s 234567890ETABCD 10

1,260 Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2366)
23456   W  M  H 
43256         3*
53246   s  3
23456   s     3*
3* = s - -
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob.
Especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout, both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead, and 3-4 coursing after the first two courses.
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.

1,296 (1,260) Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Michael F Schulte
23456  W  M  H
42635  -  -
56423  4  -  -*
45263  -  3*
23456  -  -  s
4 = s - - s
3* = - - s
all courses called PPGPP

Gainsborough Little Bob, Plain Bob for handbells
for 1296 Spliced Little Bob and Plain Bob call every course PLP, call s for -*, and repeat
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.

1,312 Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Michael F Schulte
23456  W  M  H
43652     -
54632  -  3
36452  s     s
26453     s
23456  2* -  2
all courses called PPGPP

Gainsborough Little Bob, Plain Bob for handbells
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.