Quarter Peal Compositions for Hand Bells

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Hand bell bands often find some styles of composition considerably easier to ring well in hand than others. Typically these keep one or more of the inside pairs limited to a small number of different relationships between the two bells, most commonly emphasizing coursing. This section collects together several such compositions, for a variety of methods and stages.

Note that all the quarters in this section also appear in the appropriate places in the sections devoted to quarters at various stages. They are collected together here, too, for the convenience of hand bell bands looking for such compositions.

1,344 Bristol Surprise Major

 42536   I
(42536)  6
Start and end at the treble’s
backstroke snap.
Sixth place calls.
6 = s - - s - -.

Contains 18 each 56s and 8765s off the front, 6 each 8765s and 5678s off the front, and back rounds, with no 82s or 83s.
Especially suitable for handbells: 5-6 always coursing; 3-4 course for four courses and ring the 3-4 course the other two, never ringing any of the 5-6 course.

1,344 Bristol Surprise Major

Mark B Davies
23456   H  M  I  B  5  W
64352   2        -     -
65324   -  2           2
43526         -  -  2  2
23456         -     -  -

for handbells

1,408 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
(42536)  I   V   W
 34526           x
(42536)  3*  4   x
Start and end at the treble’s
backstroke snap.
- = 16;
s = 1678;
x = 14.
3* = s - s;
4 = s - s -.

For handbells: 5-6 always coursing, and 3-4 always coursing except the first thirty and last two rows, when they ring the 3-4 lead.

1,280 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
(32456)  B  M  W  H
 43625            x
 24635         -
 56324   3
 62354         2
(32456)     -      
Start and end at the treble's
backstroke snap.
x = 16.

For handbells: 3-4 course throughout.
Also true, with 3-4 coursing throughout, to Yorkshire Surprise.
True with the same property to all BCDEFGHIKNOTabcdefXYZ that start with place notation x4.

1,376 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  B  M  W  T  H
54326        s     s
23465     s  s     s
54362     s        s
46532  -           z
45236           z  s
32645        s  z  s
23456  -           s
z = 1256.

Especially suitable for handbells: the 3-4 are always in their plain course relationship, with the tenors always coursing.
True to all CESbdeXYZ.

1,376 Cambridge Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
23456  B   M   T   H
35246  -           z
35264          zz  z
45632  z   s       z
42635          z
23456  -           zz
z = 1256.

Especially suitable for handbells: the 3-4 are always in their plain course relationship, with the tenors always coursing.
True to all BCEISTbdeXYZ.

1,280 Cornwall Surprise Major

Roger Bailey
23456  H  I  V
65324     -  -
52364     -
64235  3
54632        -
23456     -  -

especially suitable for handbells

1,280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major

J Eric Brosius and Hayden Charles (arr)
23456   B  M  W  H
43652      -
43526   -        -
26354   2
65324         2
23456      -  -   

Contains 22 combination rollups, 8 56s, 2 65s, 24 four bell runs at the back, and 13 four bell runs at the front, with Tittums. 3-4 course except when in the plain course. The reversal of this composition also has this property.

1,280 London Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
(43256)  M  B  W  H
 54236         -
 34265   s     s
 34652      -     -
Start and end at the treble's
backstroke snap.

For handbells: the 3-4 course throughout.

1,344 Superlative Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2328)
(25364) M  W 
 35462  -
 25463  s  ss
two part
snap start and finish

especially suitable for handbells (3-4 and 5-6 course throughout)

1,344 Yorkshire Surprise Major

(32456)  M  W  H
 34256         s
 54236      s
 32456   3  s  s
(32456)  ss     
snap start and finish

especially suitable for handbells (3-4 course throughout) also true to Rutland, Uxbridge, and any other methods with falseness from BEGHILMRTabcdefXYZ whose place notations start x38

1,280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

J Eric Brosius
23456   B  M  W
54632      -  -
24536      2
65324   3
23456      -  -

especially suitable for handbells (3-4 course throughout except for the first three and last three leads) also true to Pudsey and all BCDFGJKNOabcdefXYZ

1,280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
 32456   B   M   H
 25364   -
 35462       -   ss
Repeat twice, omitting ss from
the first and third parts.
Start and end at the treble's
backstroke snap.

For handbells: 3-4 course throughout.
Also true, with 3-4 coursing throughout, to Lincolnshire Surprise.
True with the same property to all BCGILNOPSabcdefXYZ that start with place notation x4.

1,280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
(32456)  B   W   H
 34256           s
 53246       -
 34562   -       ss
 34625   -       -
 23645       -
 32456   -       s
Start and end at the treble's
backstroke snap.

For handbells: 3-4 course throughout.
Also true, with 3-4 coursing throughout, to Lincolnshire Surprise.
True with the same property to all BCGINOSabcdefXYZ that start with place notation x4.

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

23456  M  B  W  H
35264     -
34625  2  3  2
23456     -     2

for handbells also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Bristol Surprise, and Belfast Surprise

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Roger Bailey
23456  M  B  W  H
42356           1
25463     -
34562  1        1
63542        1
23645     -  1
23456     -     1

for handbells: 3-4 coursing throughout after the first lead also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, Bristol Surprise, and Belfast Surprise

1,312 Kent Treble Bob Major

Mark B Davies
23456   H  M  B  W
25463   1     -
56423      1  -
46325      1
23645   1        1
34256         -
23456   1         

for handbells

1,250 Kent Treble Bob Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2313)
(23465)  B  W  H
 25364   -  1  1
 24356   4     2
round in two blows
start with 56 lying still:

especially suitable for handbells also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major

Michael F Schulte
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
56423  2  1
34625  1     1
23645     1
23456  2  2  1

for handbells: 3-4 course for all but three leads also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Norwich Surprise, and Bristol Surprise

1,264 Double Bob Major

Andrew G Craddock
23456   B  M  W  H
42356            -
25463   -          ╮
64523         s  s │A
34526      s  3    │
34265   -        -23456      A      

For Handbells.

Rung on handbells at Chandler`s Ford on 11 February 2015.

1,296 Double Norwich Court Bob Major

Michael F Schulte
23456  I  V  H
42635        -
45263  5     3
23456     5  -
5 = - - s - -

for handbells, 5-6 coursing after the first course

1,280 Plain Bob Major

J Eric Brosius
23456  W  V  F  M  H
62453  -  -  s     s
24563     -  s  -
42563  -  -  s  -  -
25643     -  s  -   
four part

for handbells: 1-2 course throughout

1,296 Plain Bob Major

Andrew G Craddock
23456  W   B   M   H
25463      1   -
34526  s       -   -
23465 (3)  1       2
Repeat, replacing (3) by ss.

Especially suitable for handbells.

Rung on handbells at Chandler's Ford on 7 July 2021, conducted by Andrew G Craddock.

1,264 Plain Bob Major

Mark B Davies
23456  W  B  M  H
42356           -
34625  -     -
25463  4  2  4
23456  -     -  2
4 = - s - s

for handbells

1,264 Plain Bob Major

Mark B Davies
23456  W  V  F  B  M  H
35462           -  4*
24536     s  -
65324  4  -  -
36452  -           -
26453              s
23456  s  -  -        -
4* = - - s -
4 = s - s -

for handbells

1,264 Plain Bob Major

Donald F Morrison (no. 2314)
23456   W  B  M  H
42356            -
25463      1  4
43526   s     s  -
23645   3*    2*
23456      1     -

2* = - s
3* = - s -
4  = - s - s

for handbells: 3-4 course throughout after the first (plain) course

1,264 Plain Bob Major

Michael F Schulte
23456   W  B  M
42635   -     -
35264   5  2  5
23456   -     -
5 = - - s - -

for handbells

1,264 Plain Bob Major

Michael F Schulte
23456  W  B  M  H
43652        -
52364     2
34652  5     -  s
54236  s     3*
23456  s        -
5 = s - - s -
3* = s - -

for handbells: 3-4 course after the first six leads

1,344 Spliced Treble Bob Major (2 methods)

23456   O3  H
56423   4   1
two part

Kent and Oxford, Ilkeston variation especially suitable for handbells, 5-6 course for all except the first and last three leads.

1,344 Spliced Bob Major (4 methods)

Donald F Morrison
 23456   B  M
(34526)  3  s  OOO.CNN.S.SSS.
 42365   -      N.CCC
Repeat five times.

Contains 384 each Double Coslany Court Bob_(C) and Double Sandringham Bob_(S) and 288 each Double Norwich Court Bob_(N) and Double Oxford Bob_(O), with 35 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells.

1,280 Spliced Bob Major (4 methods)

Donald F Morrison
 23456   B  M  W  H
(65342)  -  2  s     ON.SSS.C.CCCCO.
 24365   3       [s]  NNNN.S.S.OOO.
Repeat three times, omitting [s]
from alternate parts.

Contains 320 each Double Coslany Court Bob (C), Double Norwich Court Bob (N), Double Oxford Bob (O) and Double Sandringham Bob (S), with 28 changes of method.
Especially suitable for handbells.

1,280 Spliced Treble Dodging Major (4–20 methods)

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  B  W  H   4 methods    5 methods    6 methods    7 methods    8 methods
54632  -     -      E.Y.YCY      E.C.SCY      E.S.B        E.C.SEW      E.Y.B
43526     -         YC.WE        SC.WE        EWB.CY       BWB.YS       EYtCW.CS
24536        -      WEWE.CEW     WEWE.SCY     SYSC.SEW     LY.SLW       YCSY.SLW
24365     -     -   WE.CY.       SY.CY.       BEW.CY.      BLE.CY.      BLE.Yt.

23456  M  B  W  H   9 methods    10 methods   11 methods   12 methods   13 methods
54632  -     -      E.S.CYt      E.C.YtY      E.S.YtT      E.S.CDG      E.S.OAC
43526     -         EWB.CY       LDC.TDL      AEC.YT       CG.YT        Yt.YC
24536        -      LDYD.SLW     YtST.SEW     LAYD.SLW     EATD.SLW     LDBAD.WG
24365     -     -   BEW.Yt.      BWB.Yt.      BWB.Yt.      BLW.Yt.      TOSE.Yt.

23456  M  B  W  H   14 methods   15 methods   16 methods   17 methods   18 methods
54632  -     -      E.S.HAC      E.S.OASpAH   E.C.DGY      E.C.BkSpLW   E.C.DJG
43526     -         Yt.YC        D.CY         FrT.WASH     Yt.AH        YHO.WL
24536        -      LDBAD.WG     GSpT.SLW     O.DLFrYtW    FrADB.SGSO   SpESJ.BkBA
24365     -     -   TOSE.Yt.     BEW.Yt.      BSp.Yt.      YT.Yt.       FrT.Yt.

23456  M  B  W  H   19 methods   20 methods
54632  -     -      E.C.DJG      W.C.SBk
43526     -         FrS.FAT      FLE.BYtCrA
24536        -      LSpBkB.WG    SpFr.TJOH
24365     -     -   YOH.Yt.      YG.D.

Especially suitable for handells, the 3-4 coursing for all except the first lead of each part, and the 5-6 coursing for all except three or four leads of each part.

The methods are all from Simon Linford’s The Core Seven and Beyond: a Guide to Treble Dodging Major Inspired by Project Pickled Egg. The twenty method arrangement includes all of the Core Seven and the Herbs, over half the Spices, and two Try Also methods.

The four method arrangement contains 384 Lessness Surprise (E), 320 each Cornwall Surprise (W) and Yorkshire Surprise and 256 Cambridge Surprise, with 33 changes of method.

The five method arrangement contains 320 Cambridge Surprise, 256 each Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 192 Cornwall Surprise (W), with 39 changes of method.

The six method arrangement contains 256 each Lessness Surprise (E) and Superlative Surprise and 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W) and Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The seven method arrangement contains 192 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 128 Cambridge Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The eight method arrangement contains 192 each Cambridge Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise and 128 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), London Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The nine method arrangement contains 192 each Cornwall Surprise (W) and Lessness Surprise (E) and 128 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, London Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The ten method arrangement contains 192 Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), 128 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Turramurra Surprise and 64 Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The eleven method arrangement contains 128 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt) and 64 each Cambridge Surprise and Deva Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The twelve method arrangement contains 128 each Cambridge Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Turramurra Surprise and 64 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The thirteen method arrangement contains 128 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Deva Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt) and 64 each Bristol Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Glasgow Surprise, London Surprise, Turramurra Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The fourteen method arrangement contains 128 each Adelaide Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Deva Surprise, Lessness Surprise (E), Superlative Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt) and 64 each Bristol Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Turramurra Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The fifteen method arrangement contains 128 each Adelaide Surprise, Cornwall Surprise (W), Lessness Surprise (E), Speedball Surprise (Sp) and Superlative Surprise and 64 each Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Deva Surprise, Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The sixteen method arrangement contains 128 each Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise (Fr) and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt) and 64 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Speedball Surprise (Sp), Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The seventeen method arrangement contains 128 each Adelaide Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt) and 64 each Bristol Surprise, Buckfastleigh Surprise (Bk), Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise (Fr), Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Speedball Surprise (Sp), Turramurra Surprise and Yorkshire Surprise, with 39 changes of method.

The eighteen method arrangement contains 128 each Jorvik Surprise and Lessness Surprise (E) and 64 each Adelaide Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Buckfastleigh Surprise (Bk), Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise (Fr), Glasgow Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), London Surprise, Speedball Surprise (Sp), Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The nineteen method arrangement contains 128 Glasgow Surprise and 64 each Adelaide Surprise, Belfast Surprise (F), Bristol Surprise, Buckfastleigh Surprise (Bk), Cambridge Surprise, Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise (Fr), Jorvik Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Speedball Surprise (Sp), Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty method arrangement contains 64 each Adelaide Surprise, Belfast Surprise (F), Bristol Surprise, Buckfastleigh Surprise (Bk), Cambridge Surprise, Carolina Reaper Treble Bob (Cr), Cooktown Orchid Delight (O), Cornwall Surprise (W), Deva Surprise, Frodsham Surprise (Fr), Glasgow Surprise, Jorvik Surprise, Lancashire Surprise (H), Lessness Surprise (E), London Surprise, Speedball Surprise (Sp), Superlative Surprise, Turramurra Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise and Ytterbium Surprise (Yt), with 39 changes of method.

1,280 Spliced Surprise Major (5–23 methods)

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  B  W  H   5 methods         6 methods         7 methods         8 methods         9 methods
54632  -     -      Ri.P.PLCd         L.P.B             Ri.G.L            Ri.G.F            Ri.G.Ri
43526     -         LCd.PRiCdCd       BBCdRiP.LCd       PEsPCd.BBRi       PEsGL.RiCd        PEsGL.LCd
24536        -      RiP.B             CdRiPP.L          LP.GEsGEs         LP.B              SxPP.B
24365     -     -   BBBB.CdL.         EsEsB.CdRi.       BCd.CdL.          FBCdRiEsB.CdL.    FBCdLEsF.Sx.

23456  M  B  W  H   10 methods        11 methods        12 methods        13 methods       14 methods
54632  -     -      Ri.G.Ri           Ri.G.Ri           Ri.G.Ri           Ri.G.BkBNhWhMp   Ri.G.BkBNhWhMp
43526     -         LSxWhEsB.LCd      NhSxNhEsB.LCd     NhSxNhEsB.MpL     Sx.EsP           Sx.FWi
24536        -      WhP.B             WhP.B             WhP.F             EsWh.F           CdNhBkB.CdLP
24365     -     -   FBCdLEsF.Sx.      FBCdLEsF.Sx.      BMpGCdLP.Sx.      BMpGCdLP.Sx.     EsG.Sx.

23456  M  B  W  H   15 methods        16 methods      17 methods          18 methods        19 methods
54632  -     -      Ri.G.BkBNhWhMp    Ri.G.BkBNhWhMp  Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp     Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp   Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp
43526     -         Sx.BWi            Sx.BFWiCo       Sx.BFWiCo           Sx.BFWiCo         Sx.BFWiNc
24536        -      CdCoEsF.Wh        CdNw.F          CdNw.F              CdNw.F            CdNw.F
24365     -     -   PCoEsL.Sx.        PCoEsL.Sx.      PCoEsL.Sx.          PCoEsL.Mo.        PCoEsL.Mo.

23456  M  B  W  H   20 methods (A)    20 methods (B)    20 methods (C)    20 methods (D)
54632  -     -      Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp   Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp   Ri.G.BkYdNhWhMp   Ri.G.Nh
43526     -         Sx.BFWiNc         Sx.FWi            Sx.FWi            MpWh.ChYdCdNc
24536        -      CdNw.Ch           CdNcSo.Ch         CdNcSo.Ch         MoCoNw.F
24365     -     -   PCoEsL.Mo.        BNwCoEsL.Mo.      BNwCoEsCb.Mo.     BkEsCtWiCbSo.Sx.

Especially suitable for handells, the 3-4 coursing for all except the first lead of each part, and the 5-6 coursing for all except three or four leads of each part.

The methods are all from Chandler's twenty-three.

For twenty-three methods call as for the 20 method arrangement D, but in the second part replace Richmond with London, Belfast with Bristol, and Sonning with Pudsey.

The five method arrangement contains 320 each Bristol and Chesterfield (Cd), 256 Pudsey and 192 each London and Richmond (Ri), with 27 changes of method.

The six method arrangement contains 256 each Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd) and Pudsey, 192 each London and Richmond (Ri) and 128 Essex (Es), with 29 changes of method.

The seven method arrangement contains 192 each Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London and Pudsey and 128 Richmond (Ri), with 35 changes of method.

The eight method arrangement contains 192 each Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), London and Richmond (Ri) and 128 each Belfast (F), Essex (Es), Glasgow and Pudsey, with 39 changes of method.

The nine method arrangement contains 192 each London and Pudsey and 128 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, Richmond (Ri) and Sussex (Sx), with 35 changes of method.

The ten method arrangement contains 192 each Bristol and London, 128 each Belfast (F), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx) and Whalley (Wh) and 64 each Glasgow and Pudsey, with 39 changes of method.

The eleven method arrangement contains 192 Bristol, 128 each Belfast (F), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), London, Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri) and Sussex (Sx) and 64 each Glasgow, Pudsey and Whalley (Wh), with 39 changes of method.

The twelve method arrangement contains 128 each Bristol, Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri) and Sussex (Sx) and 64 each Belfast (F), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es) and Whalley (Wh), with 39 changes of method.

The thirteen method arrangement contains 128 each Bristol, Essex (Es), Glasgow, Malpas (Mp), Pudsey, Sussex (Sx) and Whalley (Wh) and 64 each Belfast (F), Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), London, Northampton (Nh) and Richmond (Ri), with 39 changes of method.

The fourteen method arrangement contains Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Glasgow, Northampton (Nh) and Sussex (Sx) and 64 each Belfast (F), Essex (Es), London, Malpas (Mp), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 39 changes of method.

The fifteen method arrangement contains 128 each Bristol, Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Sussex (Sx) and Whalley (Wh) and 64 each Belfast (F), Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri) and Willesden (Wi), with 39 changes of method.

The sixteen method arrangement contains 128 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Colnbrook (Co) and Sussex (Sx) and 64 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Whalley (Wh) and Willesden (Wi), with 39 changes of method.

The seventeen method arrangement contains 128 each Belfast (F), Colnbrook (Co) and Sussex (Sx) and 64 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The eighteen method arrangement contains 128 each Belfast (F) and Colnbrook (Co) and 64 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The nineteen method arrangement contains 128 Belfast (F) and 64 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chesterfield (Cd), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty method arrangement A contains 64 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Pudsey, Richmond (Ri), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty method arrangement B contains 64 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, London, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty method arrangement C contains 64 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Buckfastleigh (Bk), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty method arrangement D contains 64 each Belfast (F), Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Richmond (Ri), Sonning (So), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd), with 39 changes of method.

The twenty-three method arrangement contains 64 each Buckfastleigh (Bk), Caterham (Ct), Chertsey (Ch), Chesterfield (Cd), Claybrooke (Cb), Colnbrook (Co), Essex (Es), Glasgow, Malpas (Mp), Moulton (Mo), Newcastle (Nc), Newlyn (Nw), Northampton (Nh), Sussex (Sx), Whalley (Wh), Willesden (Wi) and Yeading (Yd) and 32 each Belfast (F), Bristol, London, Pudsey, Richmond (Ri) and Sonning (So), with 39 changes of method.

1,289 Stedman Caters

Donald F Morrison
231456789  12  15
124365789    (a)
1342            5
124365879   s   s
1342            5
(a) = s2.4.s7.s10.11.12.s16 (16 sixes)
5 = - - s - -.

Especially suitable for handbells: after the starting course 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 remain in their plain course positions.

1,440 Bourne Surprise Royal

Donald F Morrison
23456  W  M  H
42356        -
63425  -  -  -
45362  s  -  s
23456  -  -  -

Especially suitable for handbells: the 3-4 only ever ring the 3-4 pattern or coursing.

1,278 Bourne Surprise Royal

Donald F Morrison
(32456)  W  M  H
 62453      s
 45362   2  -
 23456   -  -  -
Start at the treble's backstroke snap.

Especially suitable for handbells: the 3-4 ring one lead in the 3-4 pattern and the rest coursing.

1,440 Bourne Surprise Royal

Donald F Morrison (arr)
(32456)  H
 32456   4
s = 123456.
4 = - s - s.

Especially suitable for handbells: the 3-4 course throughout.

1,440 Kent Treble Bob Royal

Roger Bailey
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
25463  2  2
64352  1  1
23456  1     1

for handbells: 3-4 always coursing between middle and wrong
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Clyde Surprise, and Lockington Surprise

1,440 Kent Treble Bob Royal

Roger Bailey
23456  W  H
43526  2  1
53246  2  1
23456  2  1

for handbells: plain course plus two courses with 3-4 coursing
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Clyde Surprise, and Lockington Surprise

1,400 Kent Treble Bob Royal

Roger Bailey
23456  W  H
24536  1  2
53246  1  1
23456  2  1

for handbells: plain course plus two courses with 3-4 coursing
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Clyde Surprise, and Lockington Surprise

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Royal

Donald F Morrison
23456  W  H
54326  2  5
s = 123456.
5 = s - - s -.

Rotated to start with one bob Home
is especially suitable for handbells:
23456  W  H
42356     1
32546  2  4
s = 123456.
4 = s - - s.

In the rotation 3-4 are always coursing between Middle and Wrong.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob and Norwich Surprise.

1,280 Kent Treble Bob Royal

Donald F Morrison (no. 2341)
23456   W  H
54326   2  5
two part
5 = s - - s -
s = 1478

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Clyde Surprise, Lockington Surprise and Norwich Surprise.

1,260 Plain Bob Royal

Mark B Davies
23456  W  M  H
43625  s  -
63542  s  -
23546     s
43526  s
52436  -     -
34256  s     s
23456        -

for handbells

1,288 Spliced Bob Royal (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2347)
23456   W  M  H
63425   s  s
23465   s     6
two part
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob
especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout and both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead

1,344 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  I  W  H
42356        1
53246     2  2
23456  x     1
- = 14;
x = 10.

Especially suitable for handbells: between Middle and Wrong 3-4 are always coursing.
Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Orion Surprise.

1,296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  B  W  H
25346  x  1  1
23456     1  2
x = 10.

Some bands or conductors may prefer
to rotate it to start with 2 Homes:
23456  B  W  H
34256        2
35426  x  1  1
23456     1   
x = 10.

Also true to Oxford Treble Bob, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise, Norwich Surprise and Orion Surprise.
The rotation is especially suitable for handbells, 3-4 always coursing between Middle and Wrong.

1,296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison (no. 2358)
x 426357890ET
- 642357890ET
x 265437890ET
x 523647890ET
- 352647890ET
- 235647890ET
x 524367890ET
- 452367890ET
- 245367890ET
three part
- = 14
x = 16

especially suitable for handbells, the back three pairs only ringing the first lead of the course

1,296 Spliced Bob Maximus (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2360)
23456   W  M  H 
43256         3*
63245   s  s
43265   s     4
53246   s  s
23456   s     3*
3* = s - -
4 = s - s -
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob
especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout, both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead, and 3-4 coursing after the first two courses

1,344 Kent Treble Bob Fourteen

Donald F Morrison (no. 2362)
x 426357890ETAB
x 645237890ETAB
x 563427890ETAB
x 352647890ETAB
- 235647890ETAB
x 524367890ETAB
- 452367890ETAB
- 245367890ETAB
three part
- = 14
x = 16

especially suitable for handbells, the back four pairs only ringing the first lead of the course

1,364 Spliced Bob Fourteen (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2363)
23456   W  M  H 
43256         3*
63245   s  s
43265   s     3
53246   s  s
23456   s     3*
3* = s - -
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob
especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout and both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead

1,344 Kent Treble Bob Sixteen

Donald F Morrison (no. 2365)
- 423567890ETABCD
x 346257890ETABCD
- 634257890ETABCD
- 463257890ETABCD
x 345627890ETABCD
x 532467890ETABCD
- 253467890ETABCD
three part
- = 14
x = 16

especially suitable for handbells, the back five pairs only ringing the first lead of the course

1,260 Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2366)
23456   W  M  H 
43256         3*
53246   s  3
23456   s     3*
3* = s - -
all courses called PPGPP

Plain Bob and Gainsborough Little Bob.
Especially suitable for handbells, the fixed pairs each ringing only a single pattern throughout, both members of both inside pairs always hunting at the Gainsborough half-lead, and 3-4 coursing after the first two courses.
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.

1,296 (1,260) Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Michael F Schulte
23456  W  M  H
42635  -  -
56423  4  -  -*
45263  -  3*
23456  -  -  s
4 = s - - s
3* = - - s
all courses called PPGPP

Gainsborough Little Bob, Plain Bob for handbells
for 1296 Spliced Little Bob and Plain Bob call every course PLP, call s for -*, and repeat
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.

1,312 Spliced Bob Sixteen (2 methods)

Michael F Schulte
23456  W  M  H
43652     -
54632  -  3
36452  s     s
26453     s
23456  2* -  2
all courses called PPGPP

Gainsborough Little Bob, Plain Bob for handbells
Gainsborough Little Bob Sixteen: x1x1x6,2.