Quarter Peal Compositions of 2016s

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2,016 Grandsire Triples

Richard B Pullin
s 762453  2
  347562  1
  253647  1
s 672453  1
s 356247  2
  723456  1
  357264  3
  423657  1
Twelve part, calling single
for bob half-way and end

Contains tittums; back rounds; all 56s; all 65s; 18 746; all 2345; all 3456; 4 near misses.

2,016 Grandsire Triples

Richard B Pullin
s 572634  1
s 435267  2
  564372  3
  725436  2
s 357264  3
  423657  1
12 part, calling single for
bob half-way and end.

2,016 Grandsire Triples

Andrew N Tyler
  672453  2
  346572  1
  543267  5
  435267  4
  674523  2
  236457  2
  652374  3
  276543  3
s 342657  2
6 part

Contains Queens, 12 56s, 12 65s, 18 756s, 11 746s, 18 765s, 4 2345s, 5 5432s, 4 6543s.

2,016 Plain Bob Triples

23456   W  M  H
34256         2
64253      s
32645   -  -  -
6 part.

2,016 (2,024) Plain Bob Triples

Donald F Morrison
23456  W  H
52436  -  3
34256  s  s
Repeat five times, call bob
for single half-way and end.

For 2,024 call any four leads Mirror Bob Major instead of Plain Bob Triples, with calls in Mirror Bob as in Plain Bob Triples: - = 1478 and s = 123478.

2,016 Stedman Triples

231456   S  H  L  Q
246351   x     x
432561   x  x     x
342516      x      
8 part, calling HL for last
course in parts 4 and 8.

2,016 Stedman Triples

John Hyden
2351746  3  8
1352     s  -
5372146  -  3
7312546  -  3
7351246  -  2
5321746  -  3
Start from rounds as the fourth row of a slow six

Contains Queens, Back rounds, 12 56s, 12 65s, 18 746, 12 765.

2,016 Stedman Triples

Andrew N Tyler
 231456  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 12 13 14
 346125  s                            ╮
 413265     -  -  -  -        -  -    │A
 143256           -  -               3241                  A             
 316254     -  -        s  s          ╮
 123564     -  -  -  -        -  -    │
 213546           -  -                │
 256143     -  -        -  -          │
 512463     -  -  -  -        -  -    │B
 342516           -  -  -  -          │
 152436                 -  -          │
(315426)    -  -        -  -        s │
 142365           -  -        -  -    │
 412356           -  -               2314                  B             

Contains Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, all 56s, all 65s, 12 756, 12 746, 12 765, 3 2345, all 3456. Note the singles at 7 and 8 in the B block must be called as given to retain truth.

2,016 Stedman Triples

Andrew N Tyler
 231456  2  S  H  L  Q 14
 346125  s                ╮
 413265     x  x     x    │A
 143256        x         324156          A       
 316254     x     x       ╮  ╮
 123564     x  x     x    │T │
 213546        x          ╯  │
 152436          T           │B
(315426)    x     x     s    │
 216435     x                │
 142365     x  x     x       │
 412356        x         231456          B       

Contains Queens; Tittums; Whittingtons; all 56s; all 65s; 6 756; 12 746; 12 765; 3 2345; all 3456;


2,016 Bristol Surprise Major

23456   M  W  H
42356         1
62534   1  2  1
23564      2   
3 part.

Contains 78 combination rollups, 17 56s, 9 65s at the back, and 6 combination rollups, 1 56s, 1 65s at the front.

2,016 Bristol Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
234567  M         W   H
745263     sB,sF
342567  s   sT    2*  s
Repeat twice.
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, and 12 8765s, with no backstroke 87s.
Also true, with the same length, to Cornwall (with fourth place bobs and singles); contains all 24 each 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 18 each 56s and 65s, 12 each 8765s and 8756s, 10 7468s, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.

2,016 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler
23456   M  B  W  H
52436         1
32465      2  1  2
63425         1
32546   1     2
62453   2  -     1
23456   1        2

Contains 56 combination rollups, 21 56s, 12 65s at the back, and 11 combination rollups, 1 56s, 11 8765s at the front. Also true to Kent Treble-bob Major, Oxford Treble-bob Major.

2,016 Bristol Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler
23456   M  B  W  H
52436         1
64235   1        1
43526   1     2
24365      -     2
46253      -
32654   1        1
23456   2        2

Contains 56 combination rollups, 23 56s, 15 65s, 9 8765s at the back, and 10 combination rollups, 8 56s, 1 65s, 16 8765s at the front.

2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major

23456   M  W  H
46352   -     s
23564   s  -  2
3 part.

Contains 42 combination rollups, 12 56s, 2 65s at the back, and 12 combination rollups, 4 56s at the front, with Tittums. Also true to Superlative Surprise Major, Havant Surprise Major.

2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major

Andrew N Tyler (arr)
23456   M  W  H
63254   2  3
23456   -  3  3

Contains 35 combination rollups, 18 56s, 1 65s at the back, and 12 combination rollups, 4 65s at the front. Also true to London Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major, Rutland Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major, Lincolnshire Surprise Major, Superlative Surprise Major.

2,016 Bristol Surprise Major by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Deva Surprise Major

Donald F Morrison
 234567   F  M  V  W  I  H
 647253   -
(327465)     -  s     -
 342567            -  -  s
Repeat twice. Fourth place calls.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 8765s, 5678s off the front and 8765s off the front, 12 each 7568s and 7658s, and back rounds, with no backstroke 87s.


2,016 Lincolnshire Surprise Major

23456   M  W  H
53426      s
23645   -  s  ss
3 part.

Contains 45 combination rollups, 12 56s, 3 65s at the back, with Tittums. Also true to Yorkshire Surprise Major, Rutland Surprise Major, Ipswich Surprise Major.

See also:
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)

2,016 London Surprise Major

23456   M  W  H
64352   -     -
53246   -  -
23645   -      
3 part.

Contains 39 combination rollups, 7 56s, 6 65s at the back, and 6 combination rollups, 2 56s at the front. Also true to Rutland Surprise Major, Yorkshire Surprise Major, Lincolnshire Surprise Major, Pudsey Surprise Major, Jersey Surprise Major, Ashtead Surprise Major, Ipswich Surprise Major, Dereham Surprise Major.

See also:
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Major

23456   M  W  H
42356         -
23564   s  s  2
3 part.

Contains 60 combination rollups, 18 56s, 2 65s at the back, and 6 combination rollups, 2 65s, 6 8765s at the front, with Tittums. Also true to Pudsey Surprise Major, Superlative Surprise Major, Dereham Surprise Major, Rutland Surprise Major, Uxbridge Surprise Major, Lessness Surprise Major.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Major

23456  W  H
42356  3  -
Repeat twice.

Contains 18 56s and 9 8765s off the front, with no 82s or 83s.
Also true to Lincolnshire Surprise, Rutland Surprise, Lessness Surprise, Cassiobury Surprise, Pudsey Surprise and Superlative Surprise.
True to all BCEGHIKLMNORSabcdefXYZ.

See also:
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler (arr)
2,016 Bristol Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler
2,016 Bristol Surprise Major by Andrew N Tyler

2,016 Double Norwich Court Bob Major

Janet E Archibald
234567   I  M  F  V  H  O  W
24356                   s
275346   -  s           ss
523467            -        s
32645    -           1
374526   -  -
472536            2
432567         -  -  1
32456                   -   
2 part.

Contains 36 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 8765s, 6 2468s at the back, and 24 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 8765s at the front, with Queens, Whittingtons, Backrounds.

2,016 Double Norwich Court Bob Major

Brian E Whiting
23456   I  V  O
34256         -
42356      ss -
62345   s  s
42365   s     3
53246   s  s  s
32456   s     -
2 part.

Contains 64 combination rollups, 24 56s, 24 65s at the back, and 24 8765s at the front.

2,016 Plain Bob Major

23456   W  M  H
42356         -
32645   s  s  2*
6 part. 2*=bs.

Contains 72 combination rollups, 20 56s, 4 65s at the back, and 20 8765s at the front, with Tittums.
For Little, ring as 12 part, omitting sM in parts 1 and 7. Contains 144 combination rollups. Also true to Little Bob Plain Major.

2,016 (2,020) Plain Bob Major

Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  W   M   H
46235  -   -   s
34265  -       ss
Repeat five times.

Contains all 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s off the front and 8756s off the front, with no 82s or 83s.
For 5,020 ring the second lead of one part as either Shifnal Alliance or Huncoat Alliance.

2,016 Plain Bob Major

Andrew N Tyler (arr)
23456   W  M  H
63425   s  s
23465   s     3
53426   s  s
32456   2     3
2 part.

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s at the back.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (6 methods)

  2345678 Cambridge
  5738264 Lincolnshire
s 8764523 Bristol
- 6874523 Bristol
s 6784523 Yorkshire
s 4723658 Pudsey
s 3758462 Superlative
s 8762345 Bristol
- 6872345 Bristol
s 6782345
7 part.

Contains 896 Bristol, 224 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire, with 48 changes of method, all the work.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Richard I Allton
  2345678 Cambridge
- 3578264 Yorkshire
  8654327 London
  5836742 Lincolnshire
  6482573 Glasgow
  4267835 Pudsey
- 2735486 Bristol
  3247658 Superlative
- 2758364 Rutland
- 3527486
7 part.

Contains 224 Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire, with 62 changes of method, all the work.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Lessness
- 6423857  Deva
  5738426  Glasgow
  7852364  Cornwall
  3547682  Bristol
  4365278  London
- 2643857  Cambridge
  3567284  Superlative
  7854326  Cassiobury
- 4263857
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Deva, Glasgow, Lessness, London and Superlative, with 62 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and no backstroke 87s.
If preferred, Pudsey or Dereham may be substituted for Cambridge throughout, making it each lead different.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Superlative
- 3578264  Lessness
  7325486  Cambridge
  5836742  Cornwall
- 7358264  London
  5723486  Buckfastleigh
  6482357  Bristol
  8634725  Cassiobury
  2547638  Glasgow
- 5738264
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol, Buckfastleigh, Cambridge, Cassiobury, Cornwall, Glasgow, Lessness, London and Superlative, with 62 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and no backstroke 87s.
If preferred, Pudsey or Dereham may be substituted for Cambridge throughout, making it each lead different.
In all three arrangements all the methods have different works both above and below the treble.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Richard I Allton
  2345678 Glasgow
- 3578264 Bristol
  7325486 Cambridge
- 3586742 Superlative
  6452378 Rutland
- 3564827 Belfast
  6385742 Pudsey
- 3542678 London
  4365827 Lincolnshire
- 3527486
7 part.

Contains 224 Belfast, Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, with 62 changes of method, all the work.

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Double Dublin
- 4235678  Buckfastleigh
  8673542  Brighton
  3462857  Jug and Firkin
  7856234  Lancashire
- 7863542  Cambridge Blue
  4235867  Superlative
  5627483  Maypole
  8374625  Kiveton
- 5678234
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Brighton, Buckfastleigh, Cambridge Blue, Double Dublin, Jug and Firkin, Kiveton, Lancashire, Maypole and Superlative, with 62 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.
All methods are double, each method is of a different Plain Bob lead end group, all six lead end orders are represented, and each method has a distinct place notation when the treble is in 1-2 (and, of course, in 7-8, as well).

2,016 Spliced Surprise Major (9 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345678  Deva
  7856342  Glasgow
  8674523  Cray
- 3578264  Colnbrook
- 3586742  Chesterfield
s 7283456  Stanton
  2375864  Lessness
- 8723456  Bristol
s 8273456  Double Dublin
- 7823456
Repeat six times.

Contains 224 each Bristol, Chesterfield, Colnbrook, Cray, Deva, Double Dublin, Glasgow, Lessness and Stanton, with 62 changes of method, all the work of every method for every bell and each lead different.
Contains 163 runs of four or more bells at either the front or the back.

2,016 Grandsire Caters

Richard I Allton
23456789   1  2  3  4  5
42356978   -        -
342        -  -  -      
43297568   s  -     -
243        -  -  -      
42356879   s     s  -
342        -  -  -
234        -  -  -      
23456987   -        -  -
32456789   -     -  -
432        -  -  -
243        -  -  -      

2,016 Grandsire Caters

Brian E Whiting
34265879   1  2  3  4  5
23465978   -     -  s
43526      s        -
32546         -  -  -
24536         -  -  -
34526      s
42536         -  -  -
23546         -  -  -
62345      -  -  s
24365         -  -  -
52463      -  -  s      
45263879   -     -  s
34562      -  -  s
534        -  -  -
25364      -  -  s
325        -  -  -
43265      -  -  s
243        -  -  -
324        -  -  -
53264      -  -  s
23465                  -
423        -  -  -
342        -  -  -      
Start at backstroke

2,016 Erin Caters

John Hyden
132547698  5  6  7
154362978     a   
324165        -  - ╮
352461     s     - │
412365        -  - │
451263     s     - │A
231465        -  - │
253164     s     - │
143265        -  - ╯
453261879     b
432165        A   
352164978     b
321465        A   
251463879     b
214365        A   
a = s1. (29)
b = 2.5.6.s11.14.16 (18)
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains all 56789s; 3 2345; 15 4 bell runs; 57 68s; 4 near misses;

2,016 Erin Caters

John Hyden
214365879  5  7
253461978    a 
213465        s ╮
351264     -  - │
341265        s │
154362     -  - │A
124365        s │
452163     -  - │
432165        s ╯
253461879    b
432165       A 
a = s3. (24)
b = 2.s6.s11.14.s16 (18)
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains 3 2345, 9 4 bell runs, 72 68s, 4 near misses.

2,016 Stedman Caters

231456789  1  5 16
214365798     a   
215463978  s     - ╮
213465           s │
3124          -  s │
315264           - │A
314265           s │
4132          -  s │
415362           - │
412365           s ╯
412365789     b
214365879     A
231456789     c   
a = s2.4.6.7.s10.12.13.16 (16)
b = (16)
c = s1.4.6.7.s10.12 (16)

2,016 Stedman Caters

John Hyden
214365879  5  8 12 15 16
135792468        a
213456978        b      
3124       -           s ╮
3142          s     -    │
4132       -           s │A
4123          s     -    │
2143       -           s ╯
214365789        c
2134             A      
213465879        s
2143             A      
a = s2.s4.20 (20)
b = 3.5.s9.10 (10)
c = 2.s7.s9.s12
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains Queens, 9 4 bell runs, 39 68s, 5 near misses.

2,016 Stedman Caters

John Hyden
214365879  5 16
413265978    a
3124       -  2
2134       -  s
3142       -  2
4123       -  2
2143       -  s
a = 6.10.13.s16.17 (24)
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains 6 4 bell runs, 27 68s, 4 near misses.

2,016 Stedman Caters

Robert M Kilby (No 2)
231456789  2  6  7 11
524319687  s  s  -  - ╮A
153247986  s  s  -  - ╯
231459687      4A
534217986  s     -  -
132549786  -     -  -
435126987  s     -  -
231457689  s     -  -

All courses are 12 sixes long unless shown otherwise.
Contains 3 56789, 3 56978, 3 65978, 1 near misses.

2,016 Stedman Caters

Robert M Kilby (No 1)
231456789  1  2  6  7 11
524318679     -  s  -  s ╮A
153247869     -  s  -  s ╯
231458679       4A
534217869     -     -  s
132548769  s  -     -  s
435126879     -     -  s
231457689     -     -  s

All courses are 12 sixes long unless shown otherwise.
Contains 3 56789, 3 65789, 3 65978, 2 near misses.

2,016 Stedman Caters

Robert M Kilby
231456789  2  6  7 11
524319687  s  s  -  - ╮A
153247986  s  s  -  - ╯
231459687      4A
534217986  s     -  -
132549786  -     -  -
435126987  s     -  -
231457689  s     -  -

Contains 9 4 bell runs; 84 68s; 1 near misses; All courses are 12 sixes long.

2,016 Stedman Caters

Robert M Kilby
231456789  1  2  6  7 11
524318679     -  s  -  s ╮A
153247869     -  s  -  s ╯
231458679       4A
534217869     -     -  s
132548769  s  -     -  s
435126879     -     -  s
231457689     -     -  s

Contains 9 4 bell runs; 54 68s; 2 near misses; All courses are 12 sixes long.

2,016 Littleport Little Surprise Royal

Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  M   W   H
25436      1   2*
34562  s   s   s
64325  2   s
65423  2+      s
23456  s   2*  3*
2* = s -;
2+ = - s;
3* = - - s.

Contains 16 56s and 60 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.

2,016 Littleport Little Surprise Royal

Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  M  W  H
42356        1
54326     1
52643  2  1  1
45236  2  2  2
43652  2  1  1
23456  2      

Contains 17 56s and 50 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 23456s and 9 65432s.

2,016 Stedman Cinques

2314567890E  7  9 18
43125687E90     a   
3241         s     - ╮
2134         s     - │A
1243         s  s  - │
2314         s     - ╯
2314568709E     b
4312            A   
4312567890E     c
2314            A   
a = s3.5.s6.8.11.s12.14.16.17.s20.22.25 (28)
b = 2.s15
c = 1.2.s13.s15

2,016 Stedman Cinques

John Hyden
2143658709E  7 18
31426578E90    a 
1234         s  - ╮A
2413         s  - ╯
2413657890E    b
4321         s  -
1234658709E    c
4321           A 
a = 2.s4. (20)
b = s2. (18)
c = s1. (20)
Start from rounds as the first row of a slow six

Contains 60 80s, 3 little bell, 2 near misses.

2,016 Barford Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  B  W  H
45236     -  -
65432  x  -   
x = 18.

Contains 64 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s, all four courses containing little bell rollups.
Also true to Newgate Surprise and Londinium Surprise.
If preferred the eighth place bobs Before may instead be called as combinations of three fourth place bobs at Sixths, Before and Sevenths.

2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Bristol Surprise Maximus

23456  H
23456  6
Fourth place calls.
6 = - - s - - s.

Contains all 24 each 56s and TE098765s off the front.
Not all the work.

2,016 Bristol Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison (arr)
23456  W   H
42356      -
23456  2*  3*
Fourth place calls.
2* = - s;
3* = - s -.

Contains 18 each 56s and TE098765s off the front, including back rounds, and 29 little bell rollups, and is all the work.

2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
 23456   W  V  O  I  H
 42356               -
(52643)  -  x  x  x
 25346      x  x
 23456         x  x  -
x = 10.

Tenors together throughout.
Also true to Yorkshire Surprise, Lincolnshire Surprise, Swindon Surprise, Superlative Surprise and Pudsey Surprise.

2,112 (2,016) Cambridge Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  W  H
25634  2  -  -

Reduce to 2,016 by replacing the first three leads of the first part only by one lead of Viaduct Surprise.
Contains 11 23456s.
If preferred Superlative or Pudsey (but not Yorkshire or Lincolnshire) may be rung instead of Cambridge.

See also:
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  W  H
34256        2
52436     2  2
36245  1  2  2
43652  2  2  2
23456  2      

2,016 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M   W   H
25436      1   2*
34562  s   2   2
34625  2   2   1
23456  2   s   3*
2* = s -;
3* = - s -.

Contains 16 56s and 64 little bell rollups at the back, including 28 65432s and 14 23456s.

2,016 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M   W   H
54236      1   s
34625  1   5
54623  1       2*
23456  2*  s   5
5 = - - s - -;
2* = - s.

Contains all 24 56s, 18 65s, and 48 little bell rollups at the back, including 14 each 23456s and 65432s.

2,016 Barford Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Barford Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   w  B  m  H
45263      x  s
26435      x  s
36254   s  x     -
56342   s  x     -
23456     3x      
x=18. Lower case letter indicate half-lead equivalent calling positions.

For Cambridge, half lead singles are made in 78. Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   2½ 3  3½ 6
23564      x     -
36425      x  s
35264   s  x     -
56342      x
64523      x
42635      x
23456      x      
s=34ET, x=18.

Each course is 6 leads long.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   2½ B  3½ H
23564      x     -
36425      x  s
35264   s  x     -
23456     4x      
x=18, s½=34ET.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   w  B  m  H
45263      x  s
26435      x  s
36254   s  x     -
56342   s  x     -
23456     3x      
x=18. Lower case letters indicate half-lead equivalent calls.

Also true to Cambridge Surprise Maximus, with half-lead singles made in 78.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   2½ 3  3½ 6
23564      x     -
36425      x  s
35264   s  x     -
56342      x
64523      x
42635      x
23456      x      
s=34ET, x=18.

Each course is 6 leads long.

2,016 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

Brian E Whiting
23456   2½ B  3½ H
23564      x     -
36425      x  s
35264   s  x     -
23456     4x      
x=18, s½=34ET.
See also:
2,016 Cambridge Surprise Maximus by Donald F Morrison
2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

23456  W  H
24536  1  2
Repeat twice.

Also true to Orion Surprise, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Oxford Treble Bob.

2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

Donald F Morrison
23456  M  W  H
45236     1  1
64352  2  1  2
23456  1     1

Contains 16 56s, and 14 each 23456s and 65432s.
Also true to Orion Surprise, Avon Delight, Belfast Surprise and Oxford Treble Bob.

2,016 Kent Treble Bob Maximus by Donald F Morrison

2,016 Little Bob Maximus

23456   E  I  V  N  W  M  H
42356                     -
34625               -  -
46325   -  -  -  -
43265               -     2
24365               3     -
25346               -  -  2
32456               -     2*
2 part. N=9ths. E=8ths. 2*=bs.

Contains 24 56s, 24 65s.

2,016 Spliced Bob Maximus (2 methods)

Andrew N Tyler
23456   W  M  H
63425   S  S
23465   S     4*
2 part. 4* = bsbs.

Contains 1992 Plain Bob, 24 Little Bob, with 6 changes of method. Ring Plain Bob, except call 3 courses PLP.