Quarter Peal Compositions of Other Doubles

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120 Dixon's Bob Doubles

Philip J Earis
- 5342 1
- 4235 2
- 4352 3
- 5432 2
- 3425 2
- 2345 2

Note that as of 2015 the Central Council does not acknowledge that Dixon's Bob exists.

480 Double Grandsire Doubles

Donald F Morrison (no. 3407)
5423 s
3254 s
2534 -
3524 s
4235 s
Repeat five times, calling -
for s half-way and end.
Ordinary Grandsire calls.

Contains every row twice each at hand and back.

480 Double Grandsire Doubles

Donald F Morrison (no. 3408)
5423 s
2354 -
3524 -
2534 s
3425 -
Repeat five times, calling s
for - half-way and end.
Ordinary Grandsire calls.

Contains every row twice each at hand and back.

240 Spliced Doubles (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2734)
12354  s10     Stedman (10 sixes)
 3254  2.4.s6  Grandsire (6 leads)

Changes of method into and out of Stedman are made in the middle of a quick six.

104 (2,024) Spliced Bob Doubles (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison
234  H
423  -  AAAA.
342  -  PPPP.
234  -  PPPP.

Contains 80 Plain Bob and 24 Ashford Little Bob and all the work of both methods for every bell.
For 2,024 Doubles ring sixteen extents (or equivalent) of doubles methods to taste, and one 104.

360 Spliced Bob Doubles (2 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2789)
  2345  Plain Bob
  3524  Plain Bob
  5432  Plain Bob
  4253  Grandsire
  4325  Grandsire
- 2543  Plain Bob
- 2534  Grandsire
  2453  Grandsire
  2345  Grandsire
- 4523  Plain Bob
- 4532  Grandsire
  4253  Plain Bob
- 4235
Repeat twice.

Contains 180 each Grandsire and Plain Bob.

120 (60) Spliced Doubles (2 methods)

Jonathan Deane
  12345 Erin
  24153 Erin
  45231 Original
  53412 Original
  31524 Original
- 15324 Original
- 53124 Original
  32541 Original
- 25341 Original
- 53241 Original
  34512 Original
  41325 Original
- 13425 Original
- 34125 Original
  42351 Original
- 23451 Original
- 34251 Original
  45312 Erin
  51423 Erin
  12534 Original
  23145 Original
- 31245 Original
s 12354
two part
for 60, ring one part only, calling - for s

104 (2,024) Spliced Bob Doubles (3 methods)

Donald F Morrison
  2345  Bistow Little Bob
- 4235  St Simon's Bob
- 5342  Plain Bob
- 5324  St Simon's Bob
  2543  Plain Bob
- 2534  St Simon's Bob
- 4325  Plain Bob
- 4352  St Simon's Bob
  5423  Plain Bob
- 5432  St Simon's Bob
- 2354  Plain Bob
- 2345

Contains 50 each Plain Bob and St Simon's Bob and 4 Bistow Little Bob, with 10 changes of method.
For 2,024 Doubles ring sixteen extents (or equivalent) of doubles methods to taste, and one 104.

52 Spliced Doubles (2–4 methods)

Donald F Morrison (no. 2292)
   23145  Stedman
s  34215  Stedman
s (34125) New Bob
   14532  St Vedast Bob
    5243  Huntspill Bob
    2354  New Bob
-   2345

Change of method from Stedman to New Bob made as the treble
leads full in the middle of the quick six

For three methods ring Huntspill for St Vedast; or ring St Vedast for Huntspill. For two methods ring New Bob for St Vedast and for Huntspill.

120 Spliced Plain Doubles (12 methods)

       No. 1                      No. 2                   
2345   Forncett Bob               Bedingham Bob
3425   Fundenhall Bob             Harpley Bob
4235   Itchingfield Slow Bob      Chesham Bob
4523   Knapton Bob                Lyng Place
5243   Oakley Bob                 Broughton Slow Place
5324   Ockham Place               Hascombe Place
5432   Intwood Bob                Intwood Bob
4352   Haddiscoe Place            Haddiscoe Place
3542   Chipstead Bob              Chipstead Bob
3254   Ellingham Bob              Ellingham Bob
2534   Thornborough Place         Thornborough Place
2453   Longford Bob               Longford Bob            

Contains plain leads only.
Leads from the two different arrangements should not be mixed.